
Promise Keepers Canada’s Men of Integrity Devotional,

published by Christianity Today International.
Weekend Bible Study

Psalm 1 uses poetic language to contrast the life of the godless with the life of the godly. Those with a passion for God and his Word (v. 2) are like sturdy, fruit-producing trees (v. 3), says the psalmist, while the wicked “are like worthless chaff, scattered in the wind” (v. 4). Much loved and widely quoted, this psalm is more than good poetry. Along with pointing out the consequences of wickedness, it offers comfort, encouragement, and guidance for all who seek to live by God’s winning game plan.

Key Study Passage: Psalm 1

In what ways do people “follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners” (v. 1)?
What does it mean to “delight” (v. 2) in God’s Word? How does this differ from simply reading or even studying the Bible?
What promises are made in verse 3? (See also Jer. 17:7-8.) How are the promises in this verse true for believers who face difficulties and even persecution?
According to verses 4-6, what are the consequences of wickedness? Does this mean that there is no hope for the wicked? (For insights into God’s desire for the wicked, read the book of Jonah.)
How do you believe God “watches over the path of the godly” (v. 6)? How do you see God watch over your own life?
Spend Time in Prayer: Read and reflect on Psalm 1, pausing after each verse to say a prayer of praise, thanksgiving, or confession; close by praying for two or three people you know who need salvation or need to rededicate their lives to Christ and to godly living.

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