
New Beginning With Shaklee

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I discovered Shaklee several months after I had received 6 months of chem o therapy for breast cancer.I had began to feel very weak,although in good health. I had severe pain in my chest(sternum) which made it very difficult to even turn over in bed. I searched for a product that would offer me the most for my money, and the best quality. What I had been using offered nothing. A friend introduced me to Shaklee. I began by drinking a protein shake several times daily,plus a multe vitamin. Within days I noticed a difference. I was skeptical, of course,as I had a negative experience with a different product line.. I found Shaklee to be well researched and a reputable company.

Shaklee has an excellent return policy,if not completely satisfied. Shaklee has a large variety of products -targeting, from baby to senior.I have complete confidence in Shaklee products. I have used it for 10 years and have absolutely no interest or desire to look for or try any other product.

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