
Promise Keepers Canada’s Men of Integrity Devotional,
published by Christianity Today International.

Discover Her Little Joys

Jay Payleitner is a freelance writer, speaker, and radio producer with credits including Josh McDowell Radio, WordPower, and Today’s Father with Carey Casey. A former executive director for the Illinois Fatherhood Initiative, Jay currently writes, blogs, and produces for The National Center for Fathering. He is the author of several books including One-Minute Devotions for Dads and 52 Things Wives Need from Their Husbands.

Here are some things my wife likes: fireworks, parades, scones, sparkly glassware on her Thanksgiving dinner table, hanging out with her children, bling for Christmas, warm feet, lying on a beach with a book, fresh flowers, fresh snow, frozen Cokes, lightly buttered popcorn, and craft magazines

You probably know where I’m going with this. A wise husband will make a similar list particular to his own wife—using it and updating it frequently. Keep the list at the top of your mind and allow it to trigger spontaneous moments when you provide your wife one of her favorite things.

I promise, just making that list will give you all kinds of fresh insights and a new appreciation for your wife. You’ll begin to see her as only a devoted husband can. There are things you know about her that no one else does. Which means only you can intentionally and regularly provide those moments of joy. Only you can prompt that intimate smile that makes marriage different than any other relationship in the world.

Key Study Passage: Ephesians 5:21-32

Adapted from 52 Things Wives Need from Their Husbands (Harvest House, 2011) by permission. All rights reserved by the copyright holder and/or the publisher. May not be reproduced.

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