
Promise Keepers Canada’s Men of Integrity Devotional,

published by Christianity Today International.

Weekend Bible Study

The gospel is a total paradigm shifter: “The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” (v. 17). God, in Christ, has reconciled the world to himself. And we are his ambassadors, entrusted with spreading the news. At times it may seem like a daunting task, but the sovereign God of the universe is there to guide and direct us. Let’s commit to living missional lives that display this wonderful truth to each person we encounter.

Key Study Passage:

2 Corinthians 5:16-21

How does the truth of the gospel change your perspective about the world and others?

What does it mean to be “ambassadors” for Christ (v. 20)?

What are some ways that you incorporate a missional mindset into your life?

What practical steps can you take to become a more missional Christian?

Think of the people from your answer to Friday’s “My Response.” Then, pray for God to prepare their hearts and give you an opportunity to share your faith with them.
Spend Time in Prayer: Ask God to cultivate a missional heart within you; ask him to open your eyes to the opportunities around you to be involved in his mission to the world.

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