
Tiny Seeds of Faith

Key Bible Verse: “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.”(Matthew 17:20) Dig Deeper: John 14:12-14

Many of my friends who have been drawn into God’s dreams [have at times] wondered: Do I have anything at all that can possibly help?

Taking whatever resources, talents, and abilities that have been entrusted to us, no matter how small, God’s dreamers step forward. We are startled to find that our tiny seeds of faith begin to grow. Our little becomes exactly the amount God needs to work his perfect will in our hurting world.

In my free time I could think of little else but creating schools [in Indonesia] in response to what God had shown me. I lay in bed imagining high-impact learning environments, places where caring Christian teachers would raise up their nation’s future leaders. At breakfast I talked excitedly with Cyndi, [my wife], about starting schools that would give impoverished children a chance to chase their dreams. The graduates would become trained communicators who, as undaunted leaders, would impact every domain of their society for Christ.

These were not simply fleeting ideas dancing in my head. Nothing this powerful had ever grabbed hold of my heart before.

  • Paul Richardson in A Certain Risk

My Response: I will pray this question: “Do I have anything at all that can possibly help?” I will listen for God to whisper his answer.

Thought to Apply: Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible.

  • Corrie ten Boom (Dutch Christian writer, holocaust survivor)

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