
Promise Keepers Canada’s Men of Integrity Devotional,

published by Christianity Today International.

The Perfect Man

Key Bible Verse: Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed. (Hebrews 12:2, The message)

Dig Deeper: John 1:19-34
If we mean to put forth definitions and examples of biblical manhood, shouldn’t we look to Jesus Christ? Of course we should. Jesus was the perfect man. He is biblical masculinity. Yet our Lord is rarely put forth as the prototype—even in Christian responses. We look to biblical figures like Moses, Elijah, or Boaz, but all these men point to Jesus. Or we look to historic figures known for various virtues, but many of these men didn’t even know Jesus. Jesus is greater than both.

Many insightful people have pointed out the challenges to masculinity coming at us from certain quarters—the cultural neutering of the American male, the Cialis pervasive contempt for masculinity, etc. We don’t have to go around apologizing for being men.

I’m grateful for all those who are willing to say it, but many who have warned against the [neutering] of men in the church have also failed to present an actual biblical remedy. For certain Jesus didn’t wear a skirt, but he didn’t brandish a Desert Eagle XIX either. Point is, either Jesus suffers from such overstatement that he ends up seeming more like Jack Bauer, or he’s never mentioned. I’m afraid in the end our response looks a little … well … childish.

—Byron Yawn in What Every Man Wishes His Father Had Told Him.

My Response: What lessons of courage and manhood can I learn from the life of Christ?

Thought to Apply: I love to hear my Lord spoken of, and wherever I have seen the print of his shoe in the earth, there have I coveted to put mine also.—John Bunyan (British writer)

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